Let's start at the beginning...

It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I was a 19 year old college student in a struggling relationship with my high school sweetheart. I couldn’t wait to graduate from college in two years, backpack through Europe and see the world. After that, I would quickly land an amazing job teaching Kindergarten, and sometime down the road get married, raise a family and live in a beautiful home with a white picket fence. That was the plan, but what’s that saying? “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”? Well, He must have been laughing because what He had in store for me was not the "picture-perfect" life I had always imagined.
One day. One day was all it took for my life to completely change. I remember standing in my bathroom with tears streaming down my cheeks. Staring back at me were three pregnancy tests, all telling me the same thing: Life is about to get really, really hard. I had a million thoughts running through my mind - How am I going to tell him? How am I going to tell my parents? What are they going to think of me? What are they going to do to me? How am I going to finish school? The thoughts kept coming and the fear sank in. That one day was the first day of the rest of my life, not as a college student dreaming of her future, but as a mother. And from that day forward, absolutely nothing has gone according to plan (my plan, that is).

This blog will tell the story of myself as a young mom learning to find my place in the world, while at the same time trying to make the world a better place for my child, and all the adventures motherhood has taken me on along the way. You see, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this, but this is SO much better than I could have ever imagined!

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